Sunday, March 2, 2008

Manual for the Gehot upgrade resistent IPSF unlock

This new unlock method will be upgrade resistent. This means, your iPhone won´t be relocked after an Firmware upgrade in the Future. This will not work on iPhone 1.1.2 OOTB with bootloader 4.6

It will only work on iPhones with bootloader 3.9!

Download the new package on page 10 posted by SoLaR

copy the following files to usr/bin

* debugvirgin
* iUnlock
* norz
* precess
* precess.c
* secloader
* secpack
* bbupdater
* ICE04.03.13_G.fls
* ICE04.03.13_G.eep
* signal.plist

give all files 777 permissions
close WIFI

on your iphone bootloader 3.9, open term-vt100and run the following

cd /usr/bin
chmod +x

then follow instructions in terminal/putty


then use Dev Team Soft-Update to 1.1.3 (if you have not done so already)
and should have 1.1.3 firmware and modem/baseband 04.0313_G

If is not palced in the Applications folder, manually place it there (0775 permissions) and reboot, then run it manually from the springboard


On the 1.1.3 baseband, it relocks on every reset. This is true with real IPSF too. A script to send 'AT+CLCK="PN",0,"00000000" will fix this, but there should be a better way. Maybe this a feature on the new baseband and the new lockdownd does this.

to re-unlock
install Patched for IPSFed BL 3.9 1.1.3 iPhones (add to apps dir 755 permissions)
Get it from: (remove "-" from URL)
and put it into /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ for to automatically run on startup/reboot


type the following in terminal

1. # launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
2. # minicom
3. AT+CLCK="PN",0,"00000000"
4. AT+CLCK="PN",2
5. launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Copy/backup your seczone to your computer - it will be in /usr/bin
* zip it, name is properly, and file it in case of emergency *

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