Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apple's iPhone is the number one phone in the land in the world

Not just smart phone mind you.  Phone.  Apple's iconic gadget phone which can only be had for $200-$300 with two year data plan outsold every mobile (and land line too, whynot?) phone.  From the $25 dollar pay as you go phones to Blackberries and Sidekicks and all of the fallen iPhone killers in between. The Motorola Razr which you can get for less than free with a plan had been the best seller for the better part of the last three years.  Not any more.

NPD has the news today..specifically that iPhone is the number one phone amongst adult consumer shoppers.   The business market is smaller than consumer and the children's market is nuch less significant than the adult market so can't we just say overall?  Or perhaps more Blackberries sold in the enterprise.  Anyway, the point is clear.  iPhone is on top.

That means in a few months, you'll probably be more likely to see an iPhone in someone's hands than a Razr.  It also means that iPhone has reached critical mass.  Non-techies can confidently pick one up as well. They'll of course have heard it is a best seller.  This is of course fantastic news for the iPhone development community who now have millions more potential customers.

If this all sounds familiar for an Apple product, it really looks like Apple's iPhone is hitting the trajectory that the iPod line had hit.  It is really the market leader in the smartphone space. 

And things are only looking up.  JD Power's annual survey of phone satisfaction came out recently with the iPhone on top.

Oh and don't forget it is twice as reliable as a blackberry and three times as reliable as the Treo.  That, and really cool new apps are coming out for the App Store that are pushing the limits of what a gadget has been traditionally able to do.

Finally, there have even been a few rumors of price drops happening should keep iPhone up there with the leaders. 


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