Saturday, November 1, 2008

Apple iPhone with BlackBerry future battles, or push 99 U.S. dollars Storm

It is reported that in recent days, following the Vodafone statement for touch-screen BlackBerry Storm to provide full subsidies after, Verizon is likely to take similar measures in the high subsidies in order to enhance the BlackBerry Storm relative to the competitiveness of the iPhone.

     The message also said that if the user is willing to enter into the use of a two-year contract, Verizon could BlackBerry Storm free of charge. However, some sources said that the proposal has been rejected.

     In addition, most analysts believe that the BlackBerry Storm to take pricing strategy is feasible. And predicted that the mobile phone may be related to the 8GB version of Apple's iPhone pricing, there may be as low as 99-150 U.S. dollars.

     Recently, analysts have said that the iPhone should be more color products, and 32GB versions, and so on, and speculated that if the Apple iPhone launch more new products, the current version of the iPhone may have to price 99 U.S. dollars.

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